The last few days, though, have been a bit different. Dad arrived in America for good at the weekend, and I was really really really pleased to see him (I gave him my best wagging and wiggling and bowing routine). He doesn't have to go to work at the moment, so he's been at home with me quite a lot.
Thing is, when he's here, I'd rather be with him than with my playtime person. So I've been refusing to go with them. I mean, no offence, but dad's ears are the tastiest in the world, and he's super good at throwing sticks, and he's great for sharing a sofa with. Playtime person just can't compare.
For some reason this makes mum and dad cross. They think I should go with playtime person and enjoy myself. I say I'm a traditional velcro Vizsla and they should know better!
What d'you think? Am I being silly? Or are they?